
Little Foresters Pre-School 

Our pre-school is open through term time and is open to children the term before their third birthday. Morning sessions run from 8:45 - 11:45 and afternoon sessions from 12:15 - 3:15. Our current prices are £15.30 per session or you can use your 15 or 30 hours funding which is available to children from the term after they are three. 

Our pre-school is part of our reception and year 1 class, so pupils get the chance to interact with a range of peers. Our classroom offers children a range of learning opportunities and we have a garden and forest area to explore. 


We love being outside in the garden and exploring the mud kitchen; making mud pies and lots of potions. We also like investigating our surroundings and finding mini beasts. 

Outdoor area 

In this area we enjoy messy play. We play with water, sand and get to paint. This term we have had a car wash and have been using our weather station. 


Inside we have a range of areas including: role play, creative, construction, small world, maths, mark making and reading. We love exploring our environment using our senses. 

Forest school 

We love putting our wellies on and getting outside. 

We have opportunities through the week to explore our unique forests school area. We learn how to care for the animals, plants and environment around us. 

We learn how to keep ourselves safe including climbing, fires and tools.


We assess the children using an online programme called Tapestry.  This allows parents/carers to view their child's learning journey through pre-school.

Our teachers are ...

Mrs Harper 

Mrs Harper teaches us on Mondays - Thursday 

Mrs Harper enjoys being outside and getting active and not worrying about making a mess. 

Mrs Hawkes

Mrs Hawkes teaches us on a Friday 

Mrs Hawkes loves telling stories. She enjoys putting on different voices and becoming the characters.

To find out more please use our contact us page or call 01208 872662



View the following documents within your web browser or download to read later

Bridge Schools EYFS Policy.pdf
Bridge Schools EYFS Policy.pdf
Initial interest form (preschool).docx
Initial interest form (preschool).docx
Little Foresters Admission Policy.pdf
Little Foresters Admission Policy.pdf
Little Foresters Curriculum overview.pdf
Little Foresters Curriculum overview.pdf



Little Foresters long term EYFS curriculum .pdf
Little Foresters long term EYFS curriculum .pdf
Little Foresters pre-school end of year goals.pdf
Little Foresters pre-school end of year goals.pdf
Uniform - little foresters preschool.pdf
Uniform - little foresters preschool.pdf


Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

Are you looking for a primary school place in Reception for September 2025? Contact us now to arrange a visit - 01208 872662 or
We also have spaces across the school in all year groups, contact us to find out more.

© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.