Happy New Year
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the events leading up to Christmas including our craft morning and performance evening. The children always love the chance to perform in front of an audience.
Last term, we were visited by OFSTED. We are pleased they could see that we have worked hard to maintain our standards from the previous inspection. They spotted that we high expectations for all learners, our curriculum is child centered, children want to succeed and loved the family feel.
We ended the term with a visit from the Police to deliver the mini police program in year 5 and 6. This was a fantastic opportunity to learn from police and ask lots of questions!
This term, there is lots to look forward to. We have lessons with our specialist teachers for PE and music, we have trips out and about in the local area and we have visitors coming in to support our curriculum. Next week we will have visitors from the NSPCC for the Speak Out Stay Safe programme.
As always there are some things you can be doing at home to support your child's learning including enjoying reading together, rehearsing times tables and practicing sounds.
Eagles - Drake
Jays - Benjamin
Little Foresters - Sienna
Lunchtime - Seb V
Attendance this week: 91.9%
Anti-bullying week - odd sock day
Next week is anti-bullying week, on Tuesday 12 November we are inviting pupils to wear odd socks for the day to recognise the differences we all have.
Children in Need
Friday 15 November is Children in Need day. To raise money for them the school pupil council have chosen to invite pupils to wear non-school uniform on this day. There is also a baking competition taking place..., please bake cakes and bring them to school on the morning of Friday 15 November 204, School Council will judge the cakes and name a winner, cakes will then be sold throughout the school day. Please donate as much as you can to Children in Need via this link: https://app.parentpay.com/ParentPayShop/Foc/Default.aspx?shopid=16821 (Please DO NOT bring cash into school).
PTA Bingo
Please see attached poster about a Bingo event being organised by Lanlivery PTA for Friday 15 November for anyone who might be interested in attending.
PTA Christmas Disco
The PTA have organised a Disco for pupils on Wednesday 4 December 2024. Please see attached poster for more details.
Cauliflower Cards
All children are creating Christmas artwork which will be sent home next week on a form for Cauliflower cards where you can order various products with your child's artwork on including cups, cards, wrapping paper and more. If you wish to make an order online for your child's artwork please ensure you complete the forms and return the form and original artwork back to school no later than Friday 15 November 2024.
Absence honesty
We have become aware that there may be some families who not being honest about their reasons for absence. As part of our curriculum, we teach children about telling truth and promote honesty in school. All reasons for absence are recorded whether they are authorised or unauthorised. Every term we must meet with Cornwall County Council and discuss the attendance of our pupils including the reasons. They will look at patterns and trends including absence of siblings at the same time, absence immediately before or after a school holiday and periods of illness that are more than a few days and challenge these. Authorised and unauthorised reasons count towards your child’s overall attendance and where a pupil's absence falls, we may have start requesting evidence for any absence. There has been a series of communications about attendance this term please look back at these to be clear on our policy.
St Nectan’s Glen
We have been asked to share the attached poster regarding local passes on offer.
Just prior to October half term the School Pupil Council held a non-school uniform and cake raffle day, we raised £57 which has now been donated to the NSPCC. Thank you for your support.
Tues 12 Nov - Anti Bullying Odd Sock day
Wed 13 Nov - Vision screening (Reception)
Fri 15 Nov - Children in Need day
Wed 20 Nov - 'What the Dickens?' Workshop (Eagles)
Fri 29 Nov - Library Service Storytime (Little Foresters)
Wed 4 Dec - PTA Christmas Disco
Thurs 12 Dec - After school clubs finish until new year
Mon 16 to Thurs 19 - Police Cadets (Year 5&6)
Wed 18 Dec - Christmas Performance 6pm
Thurs 19 Dec - Caterlink Pupils Christmas Lunch
Fri 20 Dec - Special Visitor
Fri 20 Dec - Pupil class party
Fri 20 Dec - LAST DAY OF AUTUMN TERM 1.15pm finish
Mon 23 Dec to Mon 6 Jan inc. - Christmas holidays
Tues 7 Jan 2025 - BACK TO SCHOOL
Eagles - Corinna
Jays - River
Little Foresters - Toby
Lunchtime -David
Attendance this week: 98.24%
SATs Club
Miss Howell is planning to run a SATs club after school each Monday starting next week on Monday 14 October 2024 until SATs take place in May 2025 for year 6 pupils only. Please email Mrs Couchman if you would like your child to attend so we can add them to the register, if they already attend a club please confirm if they would like to move to SATs club as it would help free up spaces.
New Menu
Please see attached our new school dinner menu which will run from when we return to school after October half term on Monday 4 November until the Easter holidays in April 2025.
Parent consultations
Don’t forget to log onto Arbor and book an appointment for parent evening on Thursday 17 October 2024. Any problems accessing Arbor or booking an appointment please contact Mrs Couchman secretary@lanliveryprimary.co.uk, 01208 872662
Missing Uniform
We have had a few queries recently re missing uniform items. Please make sure all uniform is named. While we endeavour to find missing items, it is sometimes impossible to find missing uniform when it is unnamed. We are endeavouring to find all current missing items. If uniform has been bought home mistakenly, could you please return it to school.
The ash trees have been removed and we are now able to use the forest again. However, due to concerns regarding safety of the ground around the new play equipment in the field, the parish have taken the decision to lock access to the field until further notice, so school will continue to use only the front playground gate for drop off and pickups.
PTA Meeting
The PTA are holding a meeting on the 11 October at 7.30pm at The Crown. It is an informal meeting to discuss the year ahead. Anyone is welcome. The commitment is low but threy are seeking new members as the committee is aging with many parents currently involved have their last children in year 6. Please come along and see what you think!
Wed 16 Oct - Family Worker Drop in (8.45am-10.00am)
Fri 25 Oct - INSET DAY (closed to pupils)
Mon 28 to Fri 1 Nov - HALF TERM HOLIDAY
Tues 5 Nov - Nasal Flu immunisations (Recp-Yr6)
Wed 13 Nov - Vision screening (Reception)
Fri 15 Nov - Children in Need day (details TBC)
Eagles - Eloise
Jays - Emblyn
Little Foresters - Delphi
Lunchtime -Kacey
Attendance this week: 95.7%
One of the most beneficial activities you can do at home to support your child's learning is reading. Reading can take many forms:
Hearing your child read the book they bring home
Reading them a story
Reading a story together
Reading magazines/ comics
Reading non fiction
Listening to audio books.
Developing children's reading skills and love for reading gives them creator access to other subjects at school. We expect children to engage in reading regularly at home as we set very little other work for home. Please ensure it is recorded in their reading diaries. Every week, children's diaries will be check to see if they are reading at home. If there are not at least 3 records of reading you will receive an email reminder. For older key stage 2 children who are now independently reading, we ask parents to sign the diary to say they read alone.
Children returned to school looking incredibly smart last week and we would love this to continue. A couple of reminders: PE kit is only worn on PE days including the school hoody, it is not uniform so should only be worn on PE days. Children should be wearing black shoes and no patterned tights with uniform please.
Children should be in school by 8:45 (before the playground gates are locked). If you arrive and the gates have been locked you should enter through the main entrance. Late marks on the register can contribute to the number of unauthorised absences, therefore please ensure you are here on time.
Crying the Neck Trip
On Thursday 19 Sept we will be taking part in the tradition of ‘Crying the Neck’ at Gunwen Chapel. We sent an email out last week regarding a trip for Year 2 and Year 3 pupils, if you didn’t receive it please contact Mrs Couchman. Please ensure you provide consent via parentpay for your child to attend if you haven’t already.
Home/School Agreement
We sent out emails last week asking parents to log on to Arbor and consent the home/school agreement, update consents for trips, photos etc and check contact/personal details. If you have not already done so please log on to Arbor asap. Paper copies can be sent on request.
Santas on the run
Please see attached poster about ‘Santas on the run’ at Eden on 1 December 2024. We have been asked to share it with parents for anyone who may be interested in signing up.
Thurs 19 Sept - Year 1 hearing screening
Thurs 19 Sept - Crying the Neck @ Gunwen Chapel (Years 2&3)
Tues 24 Sept - Brannel open evening 5pm (Year 6)
Thurs 26 Sept - Junior Life Skills @ Bodmin Fire Station (Years5&6)
Thurs 26 Sept - Penrice open evening 4.30pm (Year 6)
Fri 27 Sept - Tempest Photo's (Individuals)
Thurs 3 Oct - Census Day
Thurs 3 Oct - Poltair open evening 5pm (Year 6)
Thurs 10 Oct - Bodmin College open evening - time TBC (Year 6)
Wed 16 Oct - Family Worker drop in session (8.45am-10.00am)
Fri 18 to Thurs 24 Oct - Bikeability (Year 5 & 6)
Fri 25 Oct - INSET DAY (closed to pupils)
Mon 28 Oct to Fri 1 Nov - HALF TERM HOLIDAYS
It is the final day for year 6. They have had great last few weeks at primary school and are ready and eager to start their time at secondary school. We wish them all the best of luck. We will miss you at Lanlivery!
It was a fantastic evening of entertainment in the forest. This year we performed our version of the Little Mermaid. The children were incredible. The forest, set and costumes looked wonderful and the singing was exquisite. Thank you to everyone who helped in anyway. There were lots of happy faces!
The children had a fantastic time at sports day. They showed fantastic determination and sportsmanship. Polkerris were victorious. Thank you to all the parents and family that came to support and the refreshments from the PTA. Luckily the rain stayed away!
This week, we have also been taking part in the Bridge School Games. Everyday we have competed in a different challenge and have been sending off our schools as part of a competition with the other schools in the trust. We will find out next week how we got on!
Last Thursday was the 80th anniversary of D Day. We were invited out to the flag pole for a ceremony to raise the flay. We heard the reading and then the flag was raised as one of our ex-pupils played the cornet. Pupils from our neighboring school and from the village also came out to see the flag fly.
On the same day the first poppy in our wild flower garden bloomed!
Lanlivery Primary Academy were deeply saddened to hear the tragic news about one of our pupils, Dexter. He will be remembered as smiley, kind and caring; a great friend to all of his class and the whole school. He loved to play, learn and get creative and it is hard to envisage our school without him.
We will miss him dearly and our thoughts are with his mum, dad, siblings, whole family and wider community. We are working with professionals trained to provide the very best support for pupils, parents and staff at this difficult time.
To celebrate World Book day every class focused on the works of Oliver Jeffers. We looked at different stories he had written or illustrated and had a day full of book activities. We finished the day with an assembly where we shared the work we had been doing in class.
We had a competition to see who could be caught reading in the most unusual places! We had some very interesting entries including: in the shower, on a horse, on a fence, in the bath, upside down and many more. The children voted for which photos showed the most unusual place. Here are some of the entries!
We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.
We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.
We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.
We are passionate about learning.
We are the best we can be.
We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.
Are you looking for a primary school place in Reception for September 2025? Contact us now to arrange a visit - 01208 872662 or secretary@lanliveryprimary.co.uk.
We also have spaces across the school in all year groups, contact us to find out more.
© 2025 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.